I am signing up for the run at Intercon F
Please rate the following character archetypes from 1 - 5, where 5 means you would be extremely interested in playing such a character, and 1 means you'd rather not play it:
Please divide 10 points between the following three categories to let us know what your personal motivations for playing a LARP are
Playing out emotional/dramatic scenes with other players (drama)
Solving mysteries and puzzles (problem solving)
Playing out cool fight scenes (combat)
Please divide 10 points between the following four categories to let us know what character motivations you most enjoy playing:
Which of the following would you be willing to do for this game? (check all that apply):
Playing a character requiring make-up or elaborate costuming
Playing a mute character
Playing a character who might have same gender romantic plotlines
Playing a character with lots of angst
Playing a character with "adult" issues in his/her plots/background (WARNING - some characters have significant adult issues)
Mark each of the following books by Neil Gaiman you are familiar with. Please list favorite characters, etc., where you think it might help us cast you.
Essay Questions:
1) Are there any other player(s) with whom you want to play or to avoid (no guarantees)?
2) *VERY IMPORTANT* Is there anything else we should know before we cast you?