This page contains rules and advice that players may find helpful.
Everyone will receive a character package. Your package should contain:
You may also have:
All that is required to use these rules are 3d6. If you don't have any, borrow some from a neighboring player when the need arises. We plan to include dice with your game package.
If you need a rules clarification, see a GM. Much of the game can be played without the direct supervision of the GMs. Players are on the honor system. For example, if someone tells you that they have just picked your pocket under the rules, you cannot hide a player Item from them if you have one.
To use a skill, you simply roll 3d6 and add their sum to your skill value (Some special abilities do not have a skill value, so you simply roll 3d6). You succeed if your total is equal to or greater than the target number.
All characters have the Perception skill. It enables you to notice things about other characters. Different characters may notice different things depending on their individual skills and special abilities. If you wish to use Perception against a character, go up and start a conversation with them, or stand around and closely observe them for a while. After a minute or two, tell that player that you are making a Perception check against them. Roll your dice, add your Perception skill and tell them your total.
Each character may have several Perception envelopes, each with one or more Character numbers and a Perception skill target number on them. If you are the target of a Perception check, you must give to the Perceiver any envelope that has their character number (or "all") on it, PROVIDED that the Perceiver has matched or exceeded the target roll on the envelope. When a Perceiver is given a Perception Envelope, they may read the contents, but then must return them to the envelope and give the envelope back to the other player. Some envelopes may be read by more than one player. If you have learned some shocking information, please remember to roleplay and react appropriately. Some envelopes may give directions from the GM that must be followed.
If you make a Perception check against a player, you may not make another against that same player again for 30 minutes.
Every player in the game speaks English, unless they are told otherwise. If you know another language, you will have an ability card. When speaking in that language, you must hold up that card. Only people who also understand that language, may approach you to hear what you are saying.
Eventually someone may want to attack another person. Use the rules below to simulate combat. At no time may you actually touch another character. While it is preferable to have a GM present, players can engage in combat without the presence of a GM. They must inform a GM of the results immediately afterwards.
Initiative: Each character gets to act once each turn. In the very first round of combat, the character who starts the combat goes first. After that, all characters then act in the order of their Combat stat, highest to lowest. Ties act simultaneously. A character can choose to "hold" their action until a later time.
Combat Actions: For their action, a character may do one of the following: 1) Draw a weapon or Item 2) Attack 3) Take a Defensive Action (e.g. dodging, diving under a table) 4) Scream in terror
Attacking: The attacker rolls 3d6 and adds their Combat stat. If the total is greater than the target's Combat + 10, the attack succeeds.
Dodging: A character who is taking no other combat action, may dodge and add +3 to their combat stat, to be more difficult to hit (and raise their attacker's target number).
Surprise: If a character attacks from surprise, they get a +3 to their Combat stat for the first turn of combat. The character who was surprised does not get an action during this first turn. The surprised character is the judge of whether he or she is surprised.
Grabbing: A character can grab another with an attack roll made at -1. Once a character is grabbed, both the grabbing and grabbed characters are then at ˝ their Combat stat. The grabbing character can squeeze for ˝ their base strength damage, or throw their victim for their full base strength damage.
If a grabbed person tries to break free, both characters must roll 3d6 and add their base Strength damage. If the grabbed person's total exceeds their holder's total, they break free.
Multiple characters (up to 4) can gang up and help either side. A single roll is made for each side using the strongest character's strength. Each character (whose strength is at least half of that of the strongest) adds 1 to the strength roll.
Escaping Combat: A character can attempt to escape a combat. To escape a character must first succeed in two consecutive defensive actions (that is, avoid being hit for 2 turns) and then beat their attacker with a 3d6 + Combat roll vs their attacker's 3d6 + Combat.
Doing Damage:Each attack does a fixed amount of damage. Hand to Hand attacks do your Strength in damage. If a player takes greater than ˝ their Stamina in damage from a single attack, they are Knocked Out. If a character takes total damage in a combat that exceeds their Stamina, they are Knocked Out.
Wounds: If a character takes damage in a combat that exceeds their Stamina, they take 1 Wound for each point of damage in excess of their Stamina. Mark off Wounds on the appropriate part of your Character Card. When all of the Wounds are marked off, the character is dead.
Knocked Out Characters can be awakened with a Medicine roll of 14 or more. Otherwise they will recover 5 minutes after the combat ends. In the meantime, the victor can have his or her way with them (search them, rob them, slit their throats…).
On awakening, characters have their Stamina reduced by their number of wounds.
No character can attack with Mental Combat unless they have a special ability that permits them to do so. Unless the special ability provides otherwise, Mental Combat requires no movement, and is not noticeable by anyone around. It occurs exactly like ordinary combat except that the Mind stat is substituted for Combat.
Instead of doing damage, some forms of Mental Combat can have other effects specified by the special ability when a "hit" is scored. The character with the relevant special ability will have a card explaining the details.
Many mental powers will not even be noticed by the target if they succeed (or even if they fail). The characters should roleplay as though the conflict never occurred.
For example: While talking to Lady Rich, the Amazing Krockin hands her his special ability card. The card states that if he succeeds in a Mental "attack" then he will be able to read her mind. Krockin succeeds in his roll against Lady Rich's Mind +10 and he asks her to tell him the combination to her safe. She tells him and then continues to roleplay as though the exchange had never occurred.
Some characters will have special skills or abilities that are not covered here. They will have the description and rules on a separate card.
As in any role playing game, in Intrigue in the Clouds you will be taking on the role of a fictional character. Each player's character is a unique individual with his or her own background, knowledge, objectives, and abilities. Your goals will not be the same as those of other players. Some players may have goals contrary to yours, which will bring you into conflict. Other players, perhaps, have goals completely unrelated to yours, but possess knowledge or abilities that you can use.
Your character's goals are only a starting point. In your role you will find yourself becoming involved in events of great importance. It is up to you to decide how to respond to each character you meet. At any given time, most of the other characters are probably not your enemies. As you learn more as time goes on, you may need to rethink your own character's motivations and loyalties. In fact, discovering enough about the scenario to choose your character's best course of action is every player's main objective.
This is a game of player interaction. You and the other players may meet, converse, bargain or trade with each other. You may conceal, reveal or lie about anything. Intrigue and scheming are possible and encouraged. The only time you are obligated to tell the truth is when you are dealing with some aspect of the game mechanics or when you are speaking with a Game Master.
Do not let anyone see your character or background sheets for any reason. It is illegal and unfair to ask another player to show you his or her character background or special abilities (except when the abilites are being used).
Combat and theft are only permitted in accordance with the game rules. No running is permitted. Rough play and obnoxious behavior are grounds for expulsion.
This game runs on the honour system. Try to obey the rules. Instructions on game cards must be followed. For example, suppose you pick up an Item card that reads, "You have just touched an Item coated with contact poison. Report to a Game Master." You could just put it down and pretend that you never touched it. Who would know? Well, that's cheating. Cheating is the only way to lose this game.
The word of the Game Master is law. Game Master rulings are final even if they contradict the written rules. Arguing or whining at the Game Master is unwise. It also detracts from the role playing experience. Don't do it.
Common sense takes precedence over loopholes in the rules. The purpose of the rules is to provide a framework for role-playing. Don't try to exploit, twist, or beat the rules for strategic purposes. That's not what this game is about.
This game may be different from any other game you've ever played. Sure, there's a set of rules. We need them for those parts of the game you can't do for real. After all, we can't have players really fighting each other. But most of what you do in the game is real. You won't be playing in a system, or battling sets of game stats. You will be surviving in a world of real people, friends and enemies. You'll really negotiate with other characters, you'll really have to decide whom to trust, you'll really have to watch your back, and the decisions you make will affect the course of the game.
Try to play in character. Try to remember that this is only a game and try not to become upset if things do not go your way.
Have fun.