Home | Welcome to Ricardo's Union Saloon! This aint the Wild West you remember, pardner, cause its based loosely on the Deadlands universe. It's the 1870s and the War Between the States is still going strong. Strange minerals have been unearthed, and unusual critters are rumored to roam the countryside. Fortunately, Ricardo runs a neutral place, catering to outlaws and genteel folk alike. So strap on your simulated six-guns, toss back a shot of whiskey, and deal yourself in... "Ricardos Union Saloon" is a live-action role playing (LARP) event, set in the Weird West during the American Civil War. This is a one-shot theatre-style LARP with pre-generated characters. All combat will be simulated (i.e., no boffer weapons). Ricardos Union Saloon ©1999-2014 Marc Blumberg and Drew Novick, with lots of help from Philip Kelley and Mike Malony. Web-site design ©2006 Marc Blumberg. Deadlands and all it's world background is the property of Pinnacle Games. Related Links: